Ford Cove


The Marina is located at the southwest corner of the island, at the end of the road. Follow about 10 km along Central Rd. from the ferry. Here you will find docks, a harbour, a store and restroom facilities. Access to the sandstone beach is available at low tide. There is limited parking, especially in the summer.

The sheltered bay is sandstone and gravelly beach. It is a popular place to swim off the rocks and for kids to play in the tidal pools.

A viewing place for winter storms, sunsets, sea lions in winter months, herring spawn in the channel between Hornby and Denman, and lots of birds offshore from Norris Rocks. Orcas pass through, and sometimes stop to fish and hunt nearby. Purple martins, an endangered species, nest in boxes on dock pilings. Juvenile herring schools fill the bay after the spawn and before they migrate, and young salmon swim under the docks in the summer. This is a Kelp Restoration Area (marked by black buoys).

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