Helliwell Provincial Park


A rocky headland at the easternmost part of the island, the park has a wonderfully scenic 5km loop trail that leads along the Helliwell bluffs and through dense forest. The Helliwell family donated the 69-hectare land parcel to the Province in 1966. Flora Islet lies in the 2,803 hectare marine part of the Park.

Coastal bluffs, grassy meadows, a Garry oak grove, wind-shaped arbutus trees and shore pine are found along the forest edge. The forest is composed of old-growth Douglas-firs, western redcedar and alder.

Coastal bluffs, grassy meadows, a Garry oak grove, wind-shaped arbutus trees and shore pine are found along the forest edge.

Pelagic cormorants roost on the cliff ledges. Hundreds of them come in to roost at dusk in the spring. Flora Islet and the rocks in its vicinity are home to Steller and California sea lions. An elephant seal often lies on the pebble beach there; it is his moulting place in summer. Otter families are apparent year round. Harlequin ducks abound in fall and winter as do many other water birds. Spring wildflowers proliferate on the bluffs and Flora Islet. Prickly pear cacti grow on rocky areas close to the trail.

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