Sandpiper Beach

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Located at the intersection of Sandpiper Drive and Porpoise Crescent, this is a pebble and sand beach within a bay that runs from Dunlop Point around to Downes Point. Sandpiper Meadow sits above the beach. There is limited parking.

A lengthy rocky foreshore is composed of flat-topped shale layers, boulders, “honeycombed” sandstone and tidal pools. Surrounding vegetation includes mixed coniferous trees, arbutus and a range of deciduous trees and shrubs. Features a panoramic outlook: northwards to Helliwell and beyond to Lasqueti and Texada islands and south-eastwards to the mountain spine of Vancouver Island. It is a wonderful spot to watch the moonrise on clear nights, and the sunrise any day.

A lengthy rocky foreshore is composed of flat-topped shale layers, boulders, “honeycombed” sandstone and tidal pools.

Harlequin ducks are plentiful for most months, surf scoters, widgeon, buffleheads and mergansers live here in winter, and bald eagles and oystercatchers reside year round. Sandpipers and other wading birds are also present.

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